Partner of Work/Study Permit Holder Visa 

Skilled Worker Visa

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Canada Temporary Resident Visa 

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Temporary Work Visa For Canada 

Partner of Work/Study Permit Holder Visa 

Canada encourages bright talents and continues to retain the same. Keeping up with its efforts in this field, the country offers the Partner of Work/Study Permit visa for the talented foreign workers. Eligible spouses/partners who are residing in Canada with their partners (with Canadian work/study visas) can avail of this visa. Once approved, applicants can work in Canada without any specific job offer or any set of mandatory credentials or experience for a specified duration. 


Partner of Work/Study Permit Holder Visa Requirements

Partner of Work/Study Permit Holder visa applicants are dependent on their partner’s visa, who should be residing in Canada. They are eligible to work in Canada, but for a limited duration. To avail of this benefit, their partner must have obtained a valid work permit in an eligible skilled or semi-skilled occupation for at least 6 months. These occupations include management, professional, technical or trade occupations. The applicants’ spouse/partner should possess a legitimate study permit and attend a full-time post-secondary institution, which is also a publicly-funded degree or diploma-granting institution. The applicants will be issues open work permits which do not limit the employer or employment position. The applicants need not produce any job offer to obtain this visa. 

Partner of Work/Study Permit Holder Visa Entitlements

On approval, the Partner of Work/Study Permit Holder visa is entitled to stay and work in Canada for a limited duration (usually between 6 – 24 months). Also, their spouse and children are permitted to study and work, while in Canada. They can get their work permit extended; however, they may be dependent on their partners’ study permit or work permit. This visa may help the applicants to apply for permanent residence in Canada.